Barbi's Annual college school girls Party

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Barbi and her ClubWearBoutique models, are ready to give away some Door Prizes.  See, at SexyPartyClub, winning the door prize is Only half the fun, you then get to take the outfit you've won, off of Barbi's Sexy ClubWearBoutique models!  How would YOU like to win next?!?!?
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As Barbi draws the winning tickets for the door prizes, Taija dances for the winner of one of the ClubWearBoutique's outfits.
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As the winning name was drawn, the winner came up and chose the outfit he wanted for his prize, stripping it off of ShannonSecret and  SxyFlyCpl!
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Be sure to visit ClubWearBoutique to get all of your Sexy Club Wear needs for the upcoming SexyPartyClub "Barbi's Miro-Mini UpSkirt Party" & for all of your Sexy Fun Plans. Tell them, Barbi sent you and get 20% off everything in the entire store!
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It was our Carl's birthday also this night, so Barbi brought him on stage for some fun with the college school girls.  Remember, if you have a birthday party, Email Barbi and she'll make it a special night for you!
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Then it was time for the world famous Sexy Ladies Dance! And boy were these sexy ladies really ready to get wild!
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Ladies scurried to the dance floor and let their hips grind to the music - touching each other in ways only girls can as Taija demonstrates on Barbi showing the boys a thing or two on how to lick & suck a nipple!
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This masked party goer was worshipping another party goer's nipple, teasing the Graphic little nub into submission with her tongue and lips as Taija then dropped to her knees and began sucking her pussy as Barbi helped to steady her weakening knees!
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Remember.... There are over 1,000 Hard-Core XXX pictures taken at this party 500-1,000 pictures taken at every party every single month.  Real Swingers at a Real Party having Real Sex, with several thousand pictures taken from all our past parties.  To see all of them in super high-resolution, and to get your V.I.P. wristband for unlimited VIP access at the next party, then Join this site, & see what you've been missing! Get ready to party baby!!!
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